Main page - Projects - The development of air and water transport - Development of a location scheme of emergency landing sites for aircraft in St. Petersburg and territories of the Leningrad Region adjacent to the borders of St. Petersburg

Development of a location scheme of emergency landing sites for aircraft in St. Petersburg and territories of the Leningrad Region adjacent to the borders of St. Petersburg

Project Description:

During development of the scheme, existing aviation infrastructure facilities, which are registered in a proper manner, are considered whenever it is possible. In order to include existing aviation infrastructure facilities in the scheme approvals are obtained from their owners. In addition, specific places are selected for arranging emergency landing sites along the approved routes for aircraft, including on the water surface of the River Neva.

Project objectives:

Project Budget and Funding Sources:

Timeline for implementation:

II quarter of 2019 - 2023

Project Managers:

Mikhail Kurdyaev

Head of Department

Phone: (812) 305-28-28 (доб. 1110)
